
Special Objects..

My next Contemporary media issues lesson was based on bringing in a special object that meant something to us. I struggled to decide on one particular special object as I did have quite a few but I decided to go with my Oxegen Festival wristband. This object means a lot to me because it is a memory of my first ever festival which was one of the best times of my life. Not only was it my first festival but it was also my first trip to Ireland and I loved every minute of it. I had a lucky weekend because I managed to catch the sun whilst I was there and the artists that played were amazing. I am never going to forget that experience which is why I wanted to share it with the rest of the class.
During this lesson, we split into groups and discussed our special objects and why they were all so important to us and then within our groups, we all learnt how to use Prezi for the first time. This software was new to me and I had never heard of it before our lesson. I really enjoy using Prezi after discovering it and really think it is a fun way to present something that is interesting to you towards everybody else.

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