
Contemporary Media Issues - Google Maps Assignment.

During our Contemporary Media Issues lectures, we were given an assignment to split up into groups and create a certain story using various different points of the world. We were each given a starting point and had to work from that point and find and plot five different points of the story onto Google maps. The starting location that me and my group were given was St James Gardens, which is situated just next to the Anglican Cathedral near upper duke street. We discovered that St Andrew's Gardens is a cemetery and we thought it would be a good idea to document one of the lives of a person that has been buried within the cemetery. We started to look into the lives they lead and tried to find the most interesting one to use for our story, and came across a person called Sargeant Arthur Herbert Lindsay Richardson. We discovered that he lead a very interesting life from being a dental surgeon apprentice, to becoming a law enforcement officer.
Above I have shown a picture of what he looks like, I started to get really interested in this project once we had found an exciting story to work on. Although I was a bit worried at the same time as I am petrified of graveyards and cemeteries. So I didn't feel very comfortable going to visit where he had been buried at St James Garden's.

I struggled to get to grips with working the Google Maps software at first and pinpointing each place that Arthur had visited, but after a few tries I started to get the hang of it and was proud of what me and my group had accomplished. The places that we pinpointed included,Southport, Canada, Cape Town in South Africa and Liverpool. I felt that we could have been a little bit more organized for our presentation but am pleased overall with how it all came together.

Here I have uploaded a picture of what St Andrews Garden's looks like to give you a better idea of the story we have produced.

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