
Screen Analysis - Forrest Gump!

Even though this does not count towards anything for my final grade, I was FAR TO HAPPY with the grade that I got for my Scene Analysis! - After creating just this one screen analysis, its mad how differently I have started watching films and noticing all the different camera angles, music, numbers of shots and the different meanings in them. I keep pointing things out now that others don't notice and keep asking constant questions aswell, must be annoying watching a film with me now as I keep getting told to be quiet. However, Forrest Gump is one of my all time favorites! This film will never ever get old and this is why I have decided to base my scene analysis on it. I decided to analyze the scene where Forrest is in the war in Vietnam and he is looking for his friend Bubba as they are attacked. This scene is very moving and always makes me emotional when Bubba dies. It really is incredible how this story has been told and the time it must have took to make it, Tom Hanks has done such an amazing job at playing Forrest Gump and really respect him. After my scene analysis had been graded, I found out that I managed to get a 2.1 on this which pleased me far too much! It has helped me to see media and films in a whole other way which I am very happy about.

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